Well, it's back to finishing my clean and simple cards for my grandson's teacher. But I think this one is anything but simple. I've used Markie's Moms' technique here
She loves using dots around the borders and it is very effective on her cards. Don't know if dots do the same for mine, but I gamely tried. I used SU designer paper (current), my CB for the circle & frame, Papertrey for the base and non-descript ribbon, and the white Signo pens. I discovered a less expensive source for these than SU. I buy them in batches of 10. I like to gift them to stamper friends.
Tomorrow, it's the calendar pages. January and then the following months...one on each night. I have to be finished with these by the 15th and I still have to make some tags and lots more of Lauren's Keepsake boxes (see previous post). Whew! Christmas can be exhausting.
Oh, I'm also the first Twilight book. I just had to see what all the fuss was about and especially since Shelli has read it. I just finished reading Edgar Sawtelle...prolly not the smartest thing to do after putting my beloved Westie down. It was good, but not as good as Oprah said it would be. I wanted it to end differently. If you've read it, let me know what you thought of it.
Well, have a great Friday. Can't believe it's here already.
Hugs, Erica