Sooo, along with that came 4 birthdays (including mine), one anniversary to celebrate, and what appeared to have been some kind of pinched nerve in my neck, not to mention putting the finishing touches (for now) on my craftroom, and you have one heck of a busy month.
Now and then, I squeezed in a card, but was too lazy to take a picture and I still haven't found the perfect location outdoors for taking photos. We get plenty of sun so that's not the problem, just the background has me puzzled. So here's one I did snap, but the colors are not true and no amount of fiddlin' with Picassa's "feelin lucky" button would get it right. Suffice it to say, it did start out with a muted monotone sorta look. I was determined to use this recently purchased piece of crochet and so I have.
Here's some other stuff I've been doing.
- saw Eclipse on opening of the series IMO
- re-joined Stampin' Up as a demo...couldn't resist the $35 invite
- re-organized my new craft space twice...had to make room for all the new
SU stuff I plan on getting.
- read over 1,000 stamping blogs in one week....WHEW, I really do subscribe
to that many. Is it any wonder I neglect mine?
Soooo, summer is half-over and I hope everyone is enjoying what's left of it. I know I plan to.
Hugs & Blessings,