Now, on to other fun stuff. Janice here has asked me to play a cute game that's quite different from others you may have seen. We are to tell truths or lies and you are to guess which they are. I'm giving you six statements. One group of statements are lies with one truth and the other group of statements are truths with one lie. Get it? You have to decide which I am telling. If you guess correctly, you get an RAK from me. My deadline is June 20th. Here I go.
1. I was a breeder of Japanese Akitas.
2. I was employed as a producer at ABC Network News.
3. I didn't learn to drive until I was 43 years old.
4. I am the only member of my family who can't sit in the "criss cross applesauce" position.
(In my day, this was known as indian fashion...I think it's politically incorrect now)
5. I read the "One Year Bible" in four months.
6. I won first place in 6th grade for the annual Spelling Bee.
OK, so I'll be checking back here for responses in a few days. I'll also add some pics of the "almost finished" craftroom.
Hugs & Blessings,